the Safety Net

Access to Healthcare

Everyone deserves access to quality healthcare. Here’s how we help.

A strong safety net, alongside coordinated wraparound supports, is key to overall community health. Health safety net providers deliver essential care to the uninsured, underinsured and medically underserved populations who otherwise could not access high-quality healthcare and essential health support services. Core safety net providers include emergency rooms, free and charitable clinics, local health departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), community health centers and other providers that deliver care to a significant number of patients and clients. A safety net that coordinates effectively with community-based wraparound services is more effective at ensuring long-term positive health outcomes for its patient and client population. Some examples of wraparound services include case management, health education, home health, housing, meal delivery programs, translation services, and transportation. The goal of Strengthening the Safety Net is to provide support for quality comprehensive care, including physical, oral, and mental health, and coordinated wraparound services to improve overall health.

To learn more about the Foundation’s investments in Strengthening the Safety Net partnerships, please visit the Newsroom.

SignUpNow teaches the “ins and outs” of the eligibility requirements, application procedures, and post-enrollment information for Virginia’s Medicaid and FAMIS programs:

  • New Medicaid health insurance for adults
  • Programs for children and pregnant women (the FAMIS programs)
  • Low Income Families with Children (LIFC) program
  • Medicaid for Former Foster Care Youth (FFC)
  • Plan First (family planning)

SignUpNow  offers virtual, interactive workshops and online training modules.